How time flies!

Kathy's lifetime achievements.

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Location: Tynemouth, North Tyneside, United Kingdom

Find out who I am on my website at I will be 74 in August 2012. I put my feet up occasionally after I've done a lot of walking but I continue to lead an active life doing what I want when I want. My daughter, Lynn, and I are bosom buddies enjoying each other's company on outings and shopping trips. Walking along the beach is heavy going on feet and legs but a stroll along the bank top fills in a pleasant afternoon. I haven't done much photography since I photographed some famous ships as they sailed into, or out of, the mouth of the Tyne. However, not all of those shown here were taken by me including the latest one of the Swan Hunter dock and cranes being shipped out to India. I have updated my family news section to include details of how I recently became a widow. And also how losing her Dad has affected Lynn. Hopefully, I will continue to update my blog frequently from now on.

Monday, July 07, 2008

2008: Annus Horribilus

Three pleasant diversions in six horrible months were Stephen's 30th birthday party in February, Cindy's 70th birthday party in May (here we are with Cindy.) and a trip to the cinema on Fathers Day. There was also the arrival of another big ship to the Tyne. (see pictures below).

I hurt my back and suffered severe pain for four months. During that time pain-relieving medication upset my stomach. I then saw a Physiotherapist who gave me advice on alternative ways to manage pain. A weeks trial with a TENS machine was unsuccessful. I now rely on exercises and heat treatment for relief if pain gets bad, which happens if I put too much strain on my back.

A welcome diversion was when I attended my friend Cindy's 70th birthday party with Jack, Lynn and friends Ruth and Malcolm. See pictures above.

Jack suffered with lumbago. I put it down to too much gardening. He was in a lot of pain. His blood pressure was lower than it had been for some time but his weight was still too high and he was advised to take more exercise, this being very difficult because of his lumbago and pains in his legs. Lynn fussed around us like a mother hen. Lynn has her own troubles in the form of nasal polyps.

Work carried out as part of the local council's remit to bring all their council houses up to "Decent Homes Standards" brought us more misery. Our furniture and the entire contents of cupboards and drawers were piled up in the centre of every room for four weeks while a new heating system was installed and lead water pipes were replaced. We cancelled proposed partial electrical upgrade after arrangements were changed four times.

We are now putting the mess to rights and decorating the rooms where necessary. At our age and with our current infirmities this is a real chore.

I have got vertigo. It started with me feeling dizzy and light headed and developed into a sensation that the bed was spinning around whenever I turned over. I would fall back whenever I tried to get out of bed so that moving slowly and carefully was the best and safest way to do it. My GP described it as little bits of debris floating around the ear drum upsetting my natural balance. It also makes me feel sick. Some people with this problem are physically sick. But I take tablets to prevent this happening.

The treatment is frightening. I have to lie on the doctor's couch on my back while he turns my head to left and right, up and down. I feel as though I am spinning faster than the earth.

On my last visit, the doctor agreed to waive the treatment in favour of waiting to see if the condition would resolve itself. It often goes away on its own after several weeks or months without any treatment. I just have to be careful not to make any moves that would set it off.

Jack wasn't alone in enjoying fathers day treats. Lynn and I went with him to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was every bit as enjoyable as the previous three.
So we do manage to escape the drudgery occasionally.

Having made up her mind to have her nasal polyps removed Lynn went ahead and got her GP's agreement to start the process. She was apprehensive but determined to follow her elder brother Paul's example. He had the operation twice. Paul, Jack and I made sure she knew what to expect before pledging our support.

Lynn's operation was performed at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle on 2nd October. She went through it remarkably well considering how frightened she became as the date drew nearer. The medical team were all amazed at her fortitude in putting up with the polyps for such a long time, her nose being chock-a-block with them and having to breathe through her mouth. It was a long operation and her dad and I were called to help bring her round afterwards as she unable to open her eyes and they needed to be sure she was fully out of the anaesthetic. We were successful and she rapidly recovered enough to come home the following day.
She still has some way to go before being healed completely but there is every likelyhood that she will be back to normal in a very short time.

On 6th October Jack was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Over the next 9 weeks he underwent a gruelling series of tests, scans and an operation to remove the tumour which was successful. But complications set in afterwards and he died on 8th December.

We were all shocked at the quickness of Jack's deterioration and his sudden demise. Paul and John were indispensible in guiding me through the necessary proceedures of registering the death etc. They also organised the funeral arrangements before returning to their respective homes in Chesterfield and Birmingham; then returning for the funeral on 19th December. I couldn't face putting up decorations or sending cards. Paul and John insisted on Lynn and me staying with them over xmas. We travelled by train to Chesterfield on 23rd, spending 3 nights there with Paul and Nicky, Alex 16 and Charlotte 14. John took us to his house in Birmingham by car on the 26th where we stayed for one night with him and Lisa and their two children Chloe 7 and Joe 3.

27th December. Lynn and I arrived home just before 11 pm. My sense of relief was indescribable as we went inside and shut the door. I wanted to stay locked away whilst getting used to a new life without Jack.


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